Where’s your office?
111 West Magnolia AvenueSuite 2030Longwood, FL 32750
When you arrive, you’ll find a peaceful waiting room and a comfortable seating area. Make yourself at home. Also, feel free to send me a text message when you arrive.
Where do I park?
There is free parking behind the building.
What are your hours?
Hours are by appointment only:
Monday, 8-5
Tuesday, 8-7
Wednesday, 8-7
Thursday, 8-7
Friday, 8-4
What is a free initial phone consultation?
It’s an investment of a maximum of 20 minutes of your time that allows you to share behind the privacy of your phone why you are seeking my help.
If it’s a match, we will make an appointment. If someone else would better suit your needs, I will be glad to suggest another therapist.
What forms of payment do you take?
I accept all major credit cards, cash, check, and payment through Cash App.
How do I make an appointment?
You can call me or send an email. I’ll be happy to get back to you to schedule a time for us to meet.
How long are sessions?
The average session is 45 minutes.
What’s your cancellation policy?
I require 48-hours’ notice.
I keep a credit card on file and charge for a full session in the event of late cancellations or no-shows.
What kind of therapy do you do?
Depending on your needs, there are several avenues we may explore:
CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy)
This is an evidence-based type of psychotherapy based on the cognitive model. It is designed to help you look at your thoughts, feelings, and behavior. They are all connected.
The idea is that by changing unhelpful or inaccurate thinking, problematic behavior, or distressing emotional responses, it will help lead to new thoughts, behaviors, and actions.
DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy)
This is a modified version of CBT designed to help people increase their emotional and cognitive regulation by learning what triggers lead to reactive states.
It also aims to identify coping skills for those events, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to help avoid undesired reactions.
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)
EMDR is a therapeutic process that helps resolve painful or traumatic memories. EDMR is evidence-based therapy and is endorsed by mental health organizations across the globe.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Created by Gary Craig, an engineer and personal performance trainer at Stanford, EFT is a healing system based on principles of Chinese acupuncture using meridians/energy points to treat psychological and physical discomfort.
This is a way of training your mind to concentrate on the present in order to feel calm and improve your mental state.
TIR (Traumatic Incident Reduction)
TIR is an evidence-based, highly structured method to address and eliminate the negative effects of past traumas. Sessions last 60-90 minutes.
How many sessions will it take for me to reach my goals?
How motivated are you to work through what’s keeping you stuck? We’ll move at your pace.
Do you give homework?
Yes, I most certainly do. It just helps establish your growth mindset in-between sessions.
What is the best way to get in touch with you?
I am very accessible. You can email, voice-mail, or text me, and I commit to responding to you within 24 hours.
Do I have to bring my own tissues?
Only if you want to. I provide only name-brand Kleenex for you.
In fact, I will provide you with bottled water, paper and pen for notes, stress balls, fidget toys, and spinners.
How can therapy help me?
There are so many ways. Therapy can help you grow and heal from anxiety, depression, unresolved childhood issues, grief, stress management, and body-image issues… just to name a few.
It also offers a fresh perspective to help you manage personal growth, family concerns, marriage issues, and interpersonal relationships.
Other benefits include establishing goals, achieving your vision, boosting self-confidence, setting healthy boundaries, and improving your communication skills.
It is critical that you be active and give feedback during the process.
With whom do you work?
I work with women, men, and teenagers.
I am LGBTQI-friendly and welcome with open arms all sexual and gender orientations.